Wednesday 20 April 2016


Often you might have heard Christian's proclaim, "My body is a Temple of the Lord". While my body might be His Temple, I also like to view my body as a museum... Interesting isn't it? Why would one see their body as a museum?

In the Oxford dictionary, a museum is known to be, "A building or place where works of ART, scientific SPECIMENS, or other objects of PERMANENT VALUE are kept and displayed". Now I ask, are you not a work of art? Are you not a specimen? Are you not a temple of permanent value?

With this knowledge of a museum and it's worth and purpose, I choose to view my body as a museum, whatever I do to it and how well I maintain it will be kept and continue to reflect throughout the years.I choose to make wise choices because like all other museums, I want my museum to have worthwhile purpose which can be appreciated by many others.

Think of this as well, when you go to a museum, how many stickers do you see which say "Don't Touch"? Yes a museum has a thousand visitors, and like us we come across thousands of people but stop allowing these people to take advantage of you, to touch what they shouldn't be or what they are not worthy of touching, stop allowing the negativity to stick, clean it off, day in and day out, it's a continuous process, same way museums are cleaned and polished out every night.

Museums have guards, guard your body, guard your soul, it's precious, it's of permanent value...

Be a museum but one which is worthy of worthy visitors, it's historical... it records and keeps all things, ensure your content is worthy of appreciation by others.

Remember this, art is many pieces put into one, sometimes broken too, so if you feel you are like broken china, this too can be appreciated if picked up and stuck together with pieces of gold to make a broken but perfect ornament again...

My body is my Museum...


  1. love it!!! "Museums have guards, guard your body, guard your soul, it's precious, it's of permanent value..."

  2. Thank you and yes you are your own steward

  3. Wowwww. ....! Too many words may spoil the compliment! You have said a mouthful already!Impressive!

  4. Encouraging and interesting story on your journey on health and fitness. Now you l eft with a blog on your cute recipes and lovely meals!
