Friday, 22 April 2016

 Back in 2014 after I had my baby girl I thought my body looked really really good. I mean, at my 6 weeks check up, my tummy was flat again, my cheeks were far from plump, my silhouette looked pretty good, well at least that's what I thought.

Many asked, how did you do it? I said oh well, it's pretty simple, I only breastfed. But, was my body really great and back to normal? Oh no it wasn't, in fact it was far from it.

I had stretchmarks, permanent scaring from stitches, excess tissue around my waist etc. While my case mightn't had been as bad as others out there, it did not in any way mean my body was perfect and back to normal

In my efforts to recharge and better appreciate myself in 2016, I decided to sign up at gym. Oh boy... now did gym not just expose all those imperfections??! Who was I fooling, perfect body where? Haha well instead of discourage me that encouraged me to keep at it and work really hard for what I really wanted!

Going to gym every morning seeing some of those gorgeous bodies and some Work In Progress bodies I told myself, this is about me and what I want!

With that mindset I pushed, I really did but instead of losing weight, I started retaining water haha, a girl of 54kg was now 59kg in just a matter of 3 weeks... how demotivating is that??!!

But did I give up? Oh hell NO! I got this!          I kept at it, I kept going, I told myself it's not about the little hiccups, it's about the ultimate goal. I have learned that consistency really is the recipe to success.

That weight of 59kg which was influenced by water retention is now what gym bunnies call muscle mass. Yes, I have taken my lemons and bloody well made lemonade with it.

Do you want it? Do you really want it? Then I say, go out and get it! No one can stop you, No one can stand in your way!!

I like to consider myself/my body a Work In Progress, I am not done yet, I am not through, Stay Tuned!! :):)


  1. Quite an interesting story of a journey travelled on the path of life. Serves as motivation to many that one can achieve anything that one sets one's mind on. Self will and courage is everything in life....but ACTION/ACTIVITY tops the list!And the time to do it is NOW! Not tomorrow. Congratulations!

  2. Very movtivating! Keep at it
