Tuesday 14 February 2017

Love... 21st Century Myth?


Whilst browsing through my social media feed a while ago, I came across a post which read, "Real love, a 21st Century Myth".  Not knowing at the time how the publisher intended for the reader to perceive this post, it triggered a few thoughts in me...

Love and Myth... could this be joined together in one sentence? Was the significance of love depreciated to a mere myth? But then I asked myself, could it be that I am undermining the meaning and depth of the definition of "myth"...? What is a myth anyway? Well according to Google a myth is depicted as a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining a natural or social phenomenon, typically involving supernatural beings or events. How wrongly and lightly had I judged "myth"? Is love not a natural phenomenon? Are we not all supernal beings?

If you're a fan of Game of Thrones you will understand what was happening in the picture above, the characters backgrounds as well as the meaning of my caption for this picture. Khaleesi was taken and sold to Khal Drogo in marriage for power but because love is love and we are a supernal people of love, love becomes a natural phenomenon, natural in the sense that no one can ever teach you how to love, who to love and when to love.

Love comes to you when you least expect or want it, it comes to you in faces you never imagined or places you ever comprehended. It is mythical and majestic, it ignites in you feelings you never thought existed. It takes you and carries you... how you land, how you embrace, is entirely up to you.

The 21st Century has taught "good things come to those that get up and chase them", contrary to the original "good things come to those that wait" but it is not so with love, it is expedient that one waits on love, that one loves themselves perfectly before offering themselves to love another.

Love is what you make of it, Your Myth... Your Fairytale!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. myth
    a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining a natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events.
    a widely held but false belief or idea. Unfortunately most people believe love to be a false belief in our century, I have been called a fool for believeing in love. And that begs the question...If you have no Love for your fellow beings, what do you have? Love doesn't have to be with a romantic partner, as you already said, one should love themselves before they can expect to love or be loved.
