Thursday 13 October 2016

When You've Found It...

I'm certain once in one's lifetime, the question has been asked, "How and when will I know that this love is true, genuine and real?" 

From experience, it is a question which cannot be answered by even the most theoretically, educated and complex explanation. It is a question which is most times met with unsatisfying answers. Truth is, no one else but you can answer this question for yourself. Love is the same but different for all.

At a time in my life, I was fortunate enough to experience what I felt was true love for me and I'll share these experiences with you.

As a grown woman I have been in a few relationships and as imaginable all these relationships have been different and special in their unique rights but the relationship I will share with you is one which has set a benchmark so high that I refuse to let go of these standards.

In this relationship I was exposed to a love so pure that I never had to feel as though I was not good enough, as though I had to be a certain someone, carry a certain title or even look or speak a certain way to be accepted and loved perfectly. I was taken as I am, nothing was subtracted from my being but instead so much more good was added. #1 Love should not take from you but instead it should add onto and better what you already have.

In this relationship it did not matter what or how many arguments we had but a day would never pass without us making peace and moving on. A previous argument was never brought into a new one, grudges were things we knew nothing of. An argument was never personal, the one was never shamed, criticized nor belittled in the process. #2 Love does not belittle or cause harm.

I was awakened to a love that didn't require fancy outings and gifts to be beautiful and exciting. When they happened they were great but they were not the core elements which made the relationship. Simple acts of kindness, respect, loyalty, complimentary utterances were what made us. #3 Love should be based on the Subject and not the Objects.

Often most females desire this quality in their partners but only a few receive it. Close attention to detail. You want your partner to know and understand every facet of you. Strange enough I didn't go looking for this quality but received so much of it. Little things like the changed color of my lipstick I'd get told, "Something is different, did you change your lipstick?" and bingo! "You smell different, did you change your perfume?" and bingo! Some females will change their hairstyles completely and their partners will not even notice. #4 Love is patient enough to know fully and understand its partakers/participants.

Without numbering any further, through this relationship I was awakened to the fact that true love does not diminish with time, true love is stronger today than what it was yesterday. True love is liberating and exciting. True love is not a burden but constantly seeks to serve and appreciate. True love ages with the years and like wine it truly truly gets better and better. This kind of love does not seek to cheat, it is not interested in such time wasting, heart wrenching frivolities. True love is single-eyed and one-minded.

True love is TIMELESS... If you have not found this kind of love, trust me, it is worth waiting for!


  1. It's true babe, love should not cause any harm or judgement. love should be pure and patient. Beautiful article

  2. And I know you have a love like this one, you better hold on to that man hehe!

  3. A love that has consumed and transformed me, love that has let me learn to fly and find myself. I am truly blessed to have that. He he I will never let him go :)

  4. A love that has consumed and transformed me, love that has let me learn to fly and find myself. I am truly blessed to have that. He he I will never let him go :)

  5. Woman do you want us to get divorces..this is so beautiful we happy for you every woman deserves true love

    1. Haha no, create the environment instead hehe. That is true, everyone deserves to be loved

  6. This is some deep stuff. I really feel like waiting for it even though I had a glimpse of it through the many relationships I have been in.

    1. A glimpse alone is not enough... you deserve the whole view
